Saturday, January 3, 2009

~ Happy New Year ~ Refine in '09

I hope you are having a fabulous start to 2009!!

ParentShare has started and good things are happening in families. I am humbled by the power of sharing ideas, support, and's so amazing. Parenting is an amazing part of my life. I love to study parenting, to practice what I've learned, and then support other parents through ParentShare.

I recently accepted a part-time job working in a local Montessori School. I am in a classroom of children 2, 3, and 4 years-old. Because of this addition to my life, I need to find a different time to hold the morning sessions of ParentShare. In the meantime, we will continue to meet every other Wednesday evening starting Jan 7. As I continue to receive feedback from interested parents, additional sessions may start popping up! Stay tuned.

I have a motto for the new year : Refine in '09! This is from a statement that came to me a few weeks ago: Clarity brings refinement brings clarity <-- if I could type that in a circle, I would. This phrase is fitting every single area in my life.

Refine in '09. What comes to mind for you when you read that?

For me, Refine in '09 is about enhancing what is already brewing in my life: my relationship with God, my relationships with my family, my parenting skills, my friendships, my health, my work, my hobbies, etc.

When I have clarity around a parenting struggle, I see the area that I need to refine. Once I have refined my parenting, there is more clarity. That clarity leads to another area to refine...

Clarity brings refinement brings clarity. The circle continues, just as life does.

Happy New Year ~ Refine in '09!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gretchen, we are blessed to have you in our lives - thanks for being a "ripple" and best wishes! Love always, Carla and family (from Lewiston, NY)