Sunday, August 30, 2009

I wanted to share this:

Barbara Coloroso wrote in her book, Kids are Worth It, something I completely agree with and wanted to share with you:

"If you want your kids to make wise choices, give them the opportunity to make lots of choices - including some unwise ones. Unless the unwise ones are life-threatening, morally threatening, or unhealthy (in which case you have to intervene), allow them to experience the real-world consequences of their own mistakes and poor choices, as painful as they may be.

When they fall, don't be standing in front of them to rescue, or over them to punish. Be behind them to support and guide them. Give them the six critical life messages: I believe in you...I
trust you...I know you can handle are listened are cared for...and you are very important to me." ~ Barbara Coloroso pg 241 of Kids Are Worth It.

enjoy every day,


Anonymous said...

I LOVE reading your posts. You really should blog more often. Also, can singles come to the parenting class? Odd request I know, BUT someday I'll need that fine wisdom of yours ;)

Kathy said...

I agree with you that we, as parents, need to allow our children to begin making choices even if we know that they are making the wrong choice. Children learn much from their mistakes and they will be better prepared to make those tough choices about drugs, sex and developing friendships if we help them to build those skills now. I have found some good information on regarding challenges that we as parents face today. They have some amusing podcasts and timely postings.